This DIY 12V to 220V DC to AC converter is build with CMOS 4047 that is the main component of this small voltage converter that transforms a 12V into 220V. 4047 is used as a astable mutivibrator, at pins 10 and 11 will have a symmetrical rectangular signal wich is amplified b 2 Darlington transistors and finally reach the secondary coil of mains transformer (2x10V / 60VA).
At the main voltage converter transformer terminals it will be 220V.
With the help of P1 the output frequency can be adjusted between 50Hz to 400Hz. Although this is not part of any professional dc ac converters it can be used quite effective on some home appliances.

60 Watt DC to AC Converter Circuit Schematic

DIY 12V to 220V DC to AC converter built with CMOS 4047
For more DC to AC voltage converters check the related posts.
